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Why Buy From Sharpes

Over the last 10 years, property auctions have increasingly become a conventional method of buying property. Whether you're looking to invest in a property or you're a first time buyer there are numerous advantages to buying at auction and the process couldn't be more simpler:

Benefits of buying at auction;

  • Price - There is a good possibility to buy a property at a fair price.
  • Transparency - All parties concerned bid in public so that you are fully aware of what others wish to pay.
  • Speed - Contracts are exchanged at the fall of hammer on auction day instead of in months, therefore you can rest assured that the property is yours.

At Sharpes the entire purchase process from auction day to completion is achieved within four weeks. Our auction team work with you closely and guide you throughout the entire process to ensure an efficient and effective purchase.

You can stay in touch with us easily by registering here and subscribing to our online mailing list. You will receive regular information about properties we are selling by auction.